The Young Man and the Guru

A story of determination

I would like to share the story of a the young man and a Guru. This story puts into perspective the mindset necessary to achieve your dream. The lesson in the story is applicable to any dream, big or small.

For the sake of the story, we will call the young man Jim, and the Guru, Guru Marcus. Enjoy

The Young man and the Guru

Many had spoken of a Guru that lived-in a nearby town. The locals spoke of his wisdom and views that unmatched that of any other Guru. This Guru was special. His name was Guru Marcus.

Jim was a young man who lived in the town adjacent to where the Guru practiced. On this day, a bright spring morning, Jim decided once and for all that he would travel to the Guru to see first-hand what the fuss was about. Up to this point, Jim’s life had been a myriad of different events that led to where he was. Things had been good, but Jim desired more. He figured Guru Marcus could show him how to find it.

Jim found Guru Marcus sitting next to a large Oak Tree. At first sight, Guru Marcus seemed no different from anyone Jim had seen before. He reminded himself to never judge based on appearance, that people’s true magic comes from within.

As he approached, Guru Marcus turned passively, as though this exact scenario had played out many times before. Guru Marcus and Jim stood staring at each other, each waiting for the other to speak. The situation resembling a western showdown.

Guru Marcus spoke first.

“Well, what can I help you with”, he said. Jim’s heart began beating like a bass drum in a rock band. He was finally going to get what he desired for years.

“I want to become rich”, he answered, immediately regretting his superficial response. Guru Marcus chuckled. He knew that so many strove for riches that had no correlation with life’s true joys.

“I see”, answered Guru Marcus. He continued, “meet me down by the beach at 4:00am tomorrow and I will show you how to achieve your dream”.

Confused, Jim blurted out “I already know how to swim, I want to learn how to become successful”.

Guru Marcus casually responded “than meet me at the beach at 4:00am”.

Disheartened, Jim returned home.

The morning air was crisp. Jim stood on the beach in anticipation for Guru Marcus’ arrival. Upon his arrival, no greetings were exchanged between the two. Rather, Guru Marcus promptly stated “get in the water”. Disillusioned, Jim agreed. Had he not been a famed Guru, Jim would have closed this arrangement and returned home.

Jim got waist deep and turned to Guru Marcus, asking “what know Guru, know what”. Guru Marcus responded with the command to go further.

Up to this point, he was open-minded about the whole thing. Know frustration was beginning to cloud his mind. Obeying the command, Jim submerged himself further, to the point where only his head and tip of his shoulders protruded the salty water.

Without warning, Guru Marcus grabbed Jim by the head and pushed him underwater water. Inundated by the ocean, Jim began scratching and flailing his body with every muscle he had. Jim was in a battle for his life.

Guru Marcus held Jim underwater until unconsciousness was some mere seconds away. As Guru Marcus let go, Jim shot to the surface with an energy he’d never felt before.

While still gasping for air, Guru Marcus asked Chris “when you were underwater, what did you desire most”? Rattled, and still not fully oxygenated, Jim responded “I wanted to breath”.

Guru Marcus stared directly into Jim’s eyes, he felt his soul begin to vibrate. Guru Marcus with undeniable wisdom said “the day you want success as bad as you want to breathe, then you will be successful”. Guru Marcus continued, “when you were underwater, all you could think about was breathing, nothing else mattered”.

Guru Marcus allowed the idea to sink into Jim’s soul. “The same can be said for success. When you want it bad enough, nothing else matters, and you will do absolutely anything to achieve it”.

Enlightened, Jim understood the lesson provided by the great Guru. From that day forward, every breath reminded Jim of his desire for success, his journey to achieve his personal legend. Nothing was going to stop him from breathing his dream.

Final thought:

Success is subjective. Each one of us has our own definition for success. For some, money and power means success. For others, it’s living a life of fulfillment driven by values and vision. Whatever your version of success is, with hard-work, discipline, and persistent action, you will find what you’re looking for.

Remember one thing, the destination is not success. Success comes from the actions taken during the process. Harnessing this idea will keep you hungry and driven for more. Never satisfied. A continual process of growth and contribution.


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