How I changed my Life and Became a better Leader

Creating a Healthier You

You know that pre-flight safety brief you get before taking off on a plane. The one where everyone should be paying attention but no one is. Really, It has become more of a joke than anything. In my opinion, they should revise that whole process to emphasize the value.

Regardless, that’s not the point. I wanted to bring up what I and many others call the Oxygen Mask Cliché. You know, the one that says “before putting the oxygen mask on your children or anyone around you, ensure you put your oxygen mask on first”

When you think about it, this simple idea makes incredible sense. How can we expect to lead and save others when we are not worried about leading and saving ourselves?

We must take care of ourselves first. I am not advocating becoming a self-centered, entitled prick who only thinks about himself. Far from it. Rather, I’m saying some of us need to shift our priorities. A paradigm shift for the ages.

Focusing on personal growth causes an unexpected chain reaction. All the external factors in life become easier to handle. Furthermore, areas in your life you did not enjoy become enjoyable.

The first step to happiness is being happy with yourself

This idea was influential in my own life. By shifting my focus from outward to inward, I began seeing life through a different lens. My increased confidence and satisfaction transcended to better relationships, energy to execute my duties as a human, and all around increased love and passion for living.

I decided to be mindful of myself and enacted change in a matter of seconds. Literally. I remember the moment well. And you could do the same. All it takes is a desire to better yourself.

Vision + Discipline + Execution= Results  

The three H’s that changed my life

Healthy Exercise

I’ve always been active and into fitness. Consequently, for years I worked out not for the health benefits, increased energy, and an overall increase in self-confidence. Rather, I worked out because I wanted my physical body to look good.

I identified with my ego instead of valuing my well-being.

This is what stalls people when establishing new fitness disciplines. They look for instant over delayed gratification. Unfortunately, the aesthetically pleasing, chiseled body they envisioned does not come and they quit.

Don’t exercise to look good, exercise to feel good. Make it a part of your life. When it’s time to train, show up, do what you have to and go home. Don’t think about the destination. Instead, embrace the process of pushing yourself along the journey towards a healthier, vibrant you.

Start putting in 30 minutes a day of physical activity five days a week. Start slow and focus on achievable goals. Be disciplined and consistent. Before you know it, you’ll have a new habit that makes you feel amazing.

Healthy Diet

Anthelme Brillat-Savarin said, “tell me what you eat and I’ll tell you who you are”. Scientific studies are beginning to link the importance of our gut microbiota with cognitive health. To put this in a way that I could understand, there are neural pathways that lead directly from your gastrointestinal tract to your brain.

Quite literally, the stuff you eat creates your gut microbiome, and if advancements in science are correct, this bacterium plays a huge part in shaping your mood and even personality.

As is obvious, your body is the medium between your Soul and the World. It is the direct representation of who you are and what you stand for. Tony Robbins Said, “I could tell your standards in life by simply looking at your body”.

Remember, do not come at this from a superficial lens. Do it to provide the quality fuel that will allow you to feel better, perform better, and look better. All these combined will lead to a grand jump in your confidence.

Start slowly by cutting some carbs and sugar. Most important, ask yourself this question before putting something into your body:

Is this good for me”?

If the answer is no, put it down.

Healthy Connections

For me, this was the most important of all and led to the best change in my life. To be clear, I’m not saying to dump all the friends and family you currently have and look for model citizens.

I took the relationships I had and made a mindful effort to make them stronger. Most of all, accept everyone for who they are. Be the catalyst for healthy connections in your life.

The biggest thing for me was dropping my false sense of self, the ego. See people for who they really are and not for whom they think they are. Don’t let their actions determine your emotional well-being. The only thing we can control is how we act and respond towards others.

Lastly, make new connections as you go through the day. Don’t be shy. We have evolved to build relationships to facilitate survival. These relationships don’t have to be with people that would benefit us. Talk with the clerk checking you out, someone you’ve never noticed at work, or a person at the gym. You’d be surprised what you could learn from strangers.

Life is a system of interconnected parts with each part building off each other. Happiness won’t come if you’re over contributing in one area and under contributing in another.

I realized that becoming a better leader required me to make changes in my life. These healthier habits increased my passion and desire to help others develop. To bring positive change to teams, organizations, and the World. What will help you become a better leader?

Contribution leads to happiness. Contribute to yourself and watch the door of fulfillment open.

One thought on “How I changed my Life and Became a better Leader”

  1. Great advice Chris! “Don’t exercise to look good, exercise to feel good”, love this statement!

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